مقاله Applications of public health informatics: A review article
چاپ مقاله: Applications of public health informatics: A review article
مقاله با عنوان Applications of public health informatics: A review article در ژورنال Journal of Health in the Field در تاریخ 2024-08-24 چاپ گردید.

Background and Aims:
Surveillance is a critical component of public health. In this field, a new discipline called public health informatics has emerged to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public health services through the use of various information technologies. The aim of this study was to review public health informatics and its applications.
Materials and Methods:
This was a narrative review. The keywords used included" health surveillance,"" public health informatics,"" surveillance systems," and" registry." The search was conducted in the PubMed and Scopus databases, as well as Google Scholar. Relevant papers were retrieved, and the data were reported narratively.
The findings indicate that public health informatics can be employed for active monitoring and surveillance, supporting effective decision-making, preventive measures, health promotion, disease prevention, and improving population health. Additionally, public health informatics has a wide range of applications in various public health domains, such as primary care, disease prevention, disease control, and health education. Some of the information technologies used in public health informatics include electronic health records, telehealth, and point-of-care diagnostics.
Public health informatics is an evolving field, where the application of technologies is constantly changing to meet the needs of the community. It appears that the application of this science plays a significant role in improving public health conditions, and greater attention should be given to it by health systems.
Keywords: Public health informatics, Health surveillance, Registry, Surveillance systems, Narrative review
لینک دسترسی به مقاله: https://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jhf/article/view/44069/33709